Jesus said, 
"Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of heaven 
belongs to such as these."   
Matthew 19:14
Enrollment Form 
Please click here.
Playground Renewal Project Blessing & Playhouse Dedication with the Chamber of Commerce in September 2024
"It is a happy talent to know how to play." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 
"When children pretend, they're using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality. A stick can be a magic wand. A sock can be a puppet. A smallchild can be a superhero."
-Fred Rogers
"It's time to add 
a pinch of adventure, 
a sprinkle of sunshine 
and a big handful 
of outdoor play.”
- Penny Whitehouse
 “We must teach our children to smell the earth, 
to taste the rain,
 to touch the wind,
 to see things grow, 
to hear the sun rise 
and night fall – to care.” 
– John Cleal.
"Play is the 
highest form 
of research." 
- Albert Einstein
Contact Us
Starfish Classroom (6 mo -11 mo):  
$8750 for 10 months; $875 per month
Sea Turtles Classroom (12 mo -24 mo): 
$8750 for 10 months; $875 per month
Sea Horses Classroom (2 year olds): 
$8350 for 10 months; $835 per month
Sand Dollars Classroom (Pre-K 3): 
$8350 for 10 months; $835 per month
Dolphins Classroom (Pre-K 4/5): 
$8100 for 10 months; $810 per month

Fee Schedule:
•Non-refundable Registration fee= $200
•Annual Nap//Crib Set Fee= $55
•Annual Pre K3/K4 Curriculum Fee= $50
•Fall Non-Refundable Supply Fee= $100
•Spring Non-Refundable Supply Fee= $100

Discounts Available: 
10% Sibling Discount 
5% Early Bird - Pick Up Daily @3:45
Hours: 7:30-5:00
Drop off: 7:30-8:15
Pick Up: 2:00-5:00
Small Hands, Big Helpers 
Food Drive for the 
HSEC Blessing Box 
Student Life